In this notebook I provide an implementation of a Wang-Landau algorithm for computing a bivariate joint density of states (DOS) in an integer valued configuration space.
I will model the Reciprocity Survey (RS) dataset from [2], by fitting it to the grand-canonical ensemble from [1].
I will sample the configuration space with a Wang-Landau algorithm [3] in order to compute the joint density of states in the macrostate space.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import random
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
1- Dataset description and import
We have fitted the grand-canonical ensemble to the Reciprocity Survey (RS) dataset. In this experiment, a total of \( N = 84 \) under-graduate students were asked to score their relationship with each of the other participants in a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 meant no-relationship, and 1 to 5 represented increasing degree of friendship.
We have considered the zero weight as a no-link of cost 0. The remaining layers costs are \( [s_5,s_4,s_3,s_2,s_1]={1,2,3,4,5} \). Then, each participants ego-network is described by a vector whose elements are the weight of their reported relationship with the other participants (the network is directed).
Let us import the dataset, which I have downloaded to my folder ´~/Downloads´. Then, let us extract the corresponding layer configurations and macrostates.
df = pd.read_csv(open('/home/mjimenez/Downloads/journal.pone.0151588.s002.CSV','r'))
# we will only use the reported score
df.drop(['expected_score'], axis=1, inplace=True)
nominator | nominated | score | |
0 | 68 | 45 | 2 |
1 | 80 | 20 | 0 |
2 | 54 | 49 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 79 | 4 |
4 | 24 | 73 | 1 |
We can distinguish three deacreasingly detailed representations for the ego-networks:
- The ego-networks are the microstates of the system. Six possible weights and \( 83 \) participants make the number of microstates equal to \( 6^{83} \).
- The grand-canonical ensemble assigns the same probability to configurations with equal layer degrees, \( k_r \), that is the number of links of weight \( s_r \). Thus, a coarse grained configuration for egonetworks is
(where \( k_1 \) is the number of links of weight \( s_1=5 \), \( k_2 \) is the number of links of weight \( s_2=4 \), etc. Notice that the number of no-links, \( k_0 \), is not included on the configuration as it can be recovered from \( k_0=N-\sum_r k_r \))
- An analogous representation of the layer structure are the accumulated variables, also called group sizes:
- Finaly, the macrostates of the system are specified by the participants total degree, \( k \), and weight \( s \).
Ego-networks (microstates):
participants = set(df.nominator)
N = len(participants)
egonets = {}
for participant in participants:
neighbors = df[df.nominator == participant].nominated.values #loc[:,'nominated']#.loc(:)
weights = df[df.nominator == participant].score.values
egonets[participant] = weights[np.argsort(neighbors)]
print('Example of ego-network microstate:', egonets[0])
Example of ego-network microstate: [0 0 4 1 1 2 4 3 3 5 2 2 1 2 3 0 2 1 1 0 3 0 1 5 0 0 1 4 5 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 4
0 4 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 1 2 0 2 1 0 4 4 0 4 1 3 5 0 1 3
0 2 2 2 4 0 3 3 0]
(there are 4 links of weight 5, 10 links of weight 4, 12 links of weight 3, etc)
Layer configurations: layer degrees, \( k_r \), and layer group sizes, \( n_r \):
k_layers = np.zeros((5, N))
n_layers = np.zeros((5, N))
weight_vec = [5,4,3,2,1]
for j in participants:
for i,w in enumerate(weight_vec):
k_layers[i,j] = np.sum(egonets[j] == w)
n_layers[i,j] = np.sum(k_layers[:(i+1),j])
print('Example of layer configuration:\t k_r:', k_layers[:,0], '\tn_r:', n_layers[:,0])
Example of layer configuration: k_r: [ 4. 10. 12. 14. 23.] n_r: [ 4. 14. 26. 40. 63.]
Macrostates, \( (k,s) \):
k_vec = [np.sum(k_layers[:,i]) for i in range(N)]
s_vec = [np.sum(k_layers[:,i] * np.array(weight_vec)) for i in range(N)]
print('Example of k-s macrostate\tk=', k_vec[0], '\ts=', s_vec[0])
Example of k-s macrostate k= 63.0 s= 147.0
2- Model description and class definition for Wang-Landau sampling
The grand-canonical ensemble for ego-networks is obtained as the Maximum Entropy probability distribution such that its average values \( \langle k\rangle \) and \( \langle s \rangle \) are those observed in the data. Maximizing the entropy, \( S=-\sum_{k_r} D({k_r})P({k_r}) \ln [D({k_r}) P({k_r})] \), subject to the conditions
plus normalization, \( \sum_{k_r}P({k_r})=1 \), gives a Gibbs distribution
where \( D({k_r})=k!/\prod_r k_r! \) is the layer configuration degeneracy, that is, the number of different microstates with the same layer degrees \( {k_r} \).
We want to compute the density of states (DOS) in the macrostate space \( k \)-\( s \) for the grand-canonical ensemble. The Wang-Landau algorithm allows to compute the actual DOS on specific domain, including regions that would be otherwise imposible to sample with a Monte Carlo method. The density of states in the macrostate space is
Here, \( \rho(k,s) \) is the zero-temperature density of states (0-DOS), that is, the total degeneracy of a given macrostate \( k \)-\( s \). The Wang-Landau is a Monte Carlo algorithm that allows us to compute \( \rho(k,s) \) adaptively by sampling the configuration space with probability \( 1/\rho(k,s) \). Such a sampling procedure generates a flat histogram in the macrostate space.
In practice, we start with a uniform \( \rho_0(k,s) \) and an empty histogram \( h(k,s) \). We perform a random walk on the configuration (microstate) space and every iteration we update the 0-DOS and the histogram as follows.
Where \( f \) is a parameter larger than \( 1 \). During the first walk, we perform a long run and define the valid domain as those values of \( k \)-\( s \) that have been visited at least once. We then continue the walk, and check whether the histogram is sufficiently flat (for instance, if at least 99% of the valid histogram entries are higher than \( 0.8\langle h \rangle \), where \( \langle h \rangle \) is the histogram average).
If the histogram is sufficiently flat, we reset it, update the parameter \( f \) and start a new walk. The algorithm now should perform finer updates to the 0-DOS. Thus, the parameter \( f \) should decrease following a monotonically decreasing mapping. We have implemented the following update scheme:
After \( n \) rounds, the update parameter should be approximately 1. For instance, starting at \( f_0=e^1 \), after \( 10 \) rounds the update parameter is \( f_0^{0.5^{10}}\approx 1.001 \).
Finally, we obtain the model’s DOS, \( P(k,s) \) by reweighting \( \rho(k,s) \) with the Gibbs factor \( e^{\lambda k + \mu s}/Z \).
Let us englobe the necessary functions for the algorithm on an object: egonet
Citation: The following code is free to be copied and modified. Please cite the original work when appropriate. [*A null model for Dunbar’s circles*. Manuel Jiménez-Martín, Ignacio Tamarit, Javier Rodríguez-Laguna, Elka Korutcheva, (pre-print) arXiv:1701.07428, (2017).]
class egonet(object):
def __init__(self, N, f=np.exp(1), costs=[0,1,2,3,4,5]):
# number of actors, layer costs (weights) and number of layers
self.N = N
self.costs = np.array(costs)
self.L = len(self.costs) # number of layers
# microstate
self.state = np.array([random.choice(self.costs) for _ in range(self.N-1)]) # N-1 links
# macrostate
self.k = np.sum(self.state > 0)
self.s = np.sum(self.state)
# histogram and zero temperature DOS
# we store the log-DOS instead of the DOS (otherwise we would have overflow problems)
self.histogram = np.ones((self.N, self.N * np.max(costs)))
self.logdensity = np.zeros((self.N, self.N * np.max(costs)))
# update parameter and acceptance ratio
self.f = f
self.acc_ratio = 0.
def wang_landau_move(self):
# elementary MC move, propose new microstate and accept it with p ~ 1/rho
j = random.randint(0, self.N-2)
wj = self.state[j]
new_wj = self.costs[random.randint(0, self.L-1)]
new_k = self.k + (wj == 0) - (new_wj == 0)
new_s = self.s - wj + new_wj
if random.random() < np.min([1, np.exp(self.logdensity[self.k, self.s] - self.logdensity[new_k, new_s])]):
self.state[j] = new_wj
self.k = new_k
self.s = new_s
self.acc_ratio += 1
def wang_landau_run(self, n_moves):
# perform n_moves wang landau elementary moves
self.acc_ratio = 0
for i in range(n_moves):
self.histogram[self.k, self.s] += 1
self.logdensity[self.k, self.s] += np.log(self.f) # sum of logarithms instead of multiplication
self.acc_ratio /= n_moves
def wang_landau(self, n_moves, n_rounds, threshold):
# initial round
# only valid elements will be used to check histogram flatness
# we consider valid those larger than 0.1 of the mean of the nonzero elements
self.valid = (self.histogram > 0.1 * self.histogram[self.histogram > 1].mean())
print('Initial run\tf =', self.f, ' acc. ratio', round(self.acc_ratio,3),
'\tflatness:', round(self.hist_flatness(),3), '\n')
# start subsequent rounds
for run in range(n_rounds):
# check flatness, restart histogram, update parameter
while True:
print(run, 'round\tf =', self.f, '\tacc. ratio', round(self.acc_ratio,3),
'\tflatness:', round(self.hist_flatness(),3))
if self.hist_flatness() > threshold:
self.histogram = np.zeros((self.N, self.N * self.costs[-1]))
self.f = np.sqrt(self.f)
print('Flat! Reseting histogram...\n')
def hist_flatness(self):
# computes proportion of valid histogram points that are sufficiently flat
reshaped_hist = self.histogram[self.valid]
mu = np.mean(reshaped_hist)
return np.sum(reshaped_hist > 0.8*mu) / len(reshaped_hist)
3- Running the algorithm
E = egonet(84)
# 1000000 attempted moves per round, 10 rounds,
# and at least 0.9 of the valid histogram entries must be highe than 0.8*mean(histogram)
E.wang_landau(500000, 10, 0.95)
Initial run f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.624 flatness: 0.673
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.552 flatness: 0.722
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.541 flatness: 0.761
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.513 flatness: 0.812
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.517 flatness: 0.84
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.498 flatness: 0.889
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.514 flatness: 0.905
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.482 flatness: 0.94
0 round f = 2.71828182846 acc. ratio 0.494 flatness: 0.962
Flat! Reseting histogram...
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.28 flatness: 0.062
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.359 flatness: 0.416
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.461 flatness: 0.547
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.477 flatness: 0.606
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.512 flatness: 0.694
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.518 flatness: 0.803
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.49 flatness: 0.912
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.483 flatness: 0.943
1 round f = 1.6487212707 acc. ratio 0.503 flatness: 0.992
Flat! Reseting histogram...
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.261 flatness: 0.037
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.355 flatness: 0.392
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.469 flatness: 0.579
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.524 flatness: 0.665
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.511 flatness: 0.768
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.49 flatness: 0.775
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.526 flatness: 0.915
2 round f = 1.28402541669 acc. ratio 0.538 flatness: 0.989
Flat! Reseting histogram...
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.263 flatness: 0.066
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.362 flatness: 0.347
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.466 flatness: 0.531
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.505 flatness: 0.592
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.527 flatness: 0.684
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.541 flatness: 0.761
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.512 flatness: 0.828
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.529 flatness: 0.9
3 round f = 1.13314845307 acc. ratio 0.511 flatness: 0.953
Flat! Reseting histogram...
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.29 flatness: 0.28
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.431 flatness: 0.468
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.468 flatness: 0.582
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.53 flatness: 0.653
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.565 flatness: 0.749
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.514 flatness: 0.824
4 round f = 1.06449445892 acc. ratio 0.546 flatness: 0.955
Flat! Reseting histogram...
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.308 flatness: 0.386
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.413 flatness: 0.492
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.45 flatness: 0.549
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.534 flatness: 0.627
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.542 flatness: 0.718
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.534 flatness: 0.778
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.529 flatness: 0.801
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.529 flatness: 0.847
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.532 flatness: 0.885
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.521 flatness: 0.909
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.528 flatness: 0.93
5 round f = 1.0317434075 acc. ratio 0.567 flatness: 0.976
Flat! Reseting histogram...
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.384 flatness: 0.501
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.417 flatness: 0.535
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.489 flatness: 0.605
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.502 flatness: 0.644
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.518 flatness: 0.736
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.53 flatness: 0.807
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.534 flatness: 0.857
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.546 flatness: 0.906
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.547 flatness: 0.93
6 round f = 1.01574770859 acc. ratio 0.536 flatness: 0.951
Flat! Reseting histogram...
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.397 flatness: 0.492
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.501 flatness: 0.631
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.494 flatness: 0.681
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.507 flatness: 0.72
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.461 flatness: 0.757
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.55 flatness: 0.808
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.54 flatness: 0.845
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.52 flatness: 0.879
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.54 flatness: 0.904
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.488 flatness: 0.918
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.511 flatness: 0.94
7 round f = 1.00784309721 acc. ratio 0.535 flatness: 0.966
Flat! Reseting histogram...
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.496 flatness: 0.597
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.481 flatness: 0.653
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.525 flatness: 0.733
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.52 flatness: 0.772
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.525 flatness: 0.823
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.498 flatness: 0.837
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.476 flatness: 0.839
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.536 flatness: 0.875
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.514 flatness: 0.899
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.557 flatness: 0.916
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.536 flatness: 0.934
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.537 flatness: 0.945
8 round f = 1.00391388934 acc. ratio 0.501 flatness: 0.957
Flat! Reseting histogram...
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.496 flatness: 0.556
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.52 flatness: 0.633
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.525 flatness: 0.679
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.51 flatness: 0.715
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.538 flatness: 0.744
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.552 flatness: 0.809
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.47 flatness: 0.802
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.495 flatness: 0.812
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.54 flatness: 0.847
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.534 flatness: 0.872
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.505 flatness: 0.882
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.563 flatness: 0.915
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.555 flatness: 0.931
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.5 flatness: 0.94
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.489 flatness: 0.933
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.51 flatness: 0.93
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.534 flatness: 0.95
9 round f = 1.00195503359 acc. ratio 0.531 flatness: 0.955
Flat! Reseting histogram...
4- Visualization
Before plotting the DOS, we need to fit the grand-canonical ensemble to the RS dataset. Let us rename the fitting parameters \( x=e^{\lambda} \) and \( y=e^{\mu} \). Then, we can express the density of states as:
The fitted values of \( x \) and \( y \) are obtained with the saddle point equations.
RS average values of \( \langle k \rangle= 73.63 \) and \( \langle s \rangle = 145.45 \) give \( x= 0.74 \) and \( y=0.56 \).
(read the paper here for the specifics) Now let’s plot it!
k_av, s_av = np.mean(k_vec), np.mean(s_vec)
x, y = 6.59154, 0.557557
kmax, smax = np.shape(E.logdensity)
# reweight the zero temperature density by the Gibbs factor
Gibbs = np.array([[(np.log(x)*k + np.log(y)*s)*(s >= k) for s in range(smax)] for k in range(kmax)])
# rescale the density so we can take exponential
rescaled_prob = np.exp(E.logdensity - A + Gibbs) * E.valid
# normalize the resulting probability
rescaled_prob /= np.sum(rescaledprob[E.valid])
sv = np.linspace(0, 5*N, 5*N)
kv = np.linspace(0, N, N)
KV, SV = np.meshgrid(kv,sv)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,4))
# allowed region is s>=k and s<= k*s_max
kx = np.arange(0,84)
ax.plot(kx, kx,'k')
ax.plot(kx, 5*kx, 'k')
# plot the RS data and its averages
ax.plot(k_vec, s_vec, 'D', c='red', ms=4, label='RS data')
ax.plot(k_av, s_av, '+', c='lime', mew=4, ms=12, label='Averages)
# plot the log-density (warning because of log(0)=-inf but these values won't appear on the plot)
contour = ax.contourf(KV, SV, np.log(rescaled_prob.T),
levels=[-80,-70,-60,-50,-40,-30,-20,-10,0], cmap='Blues')
ax.set(xlabel=r'$k$', ylabel=r'$s$', xlim=[0,83], ylim=[0, 300])
ax.text(10, 200, r'$\ln\,P\,(k,s)$', fontsize=16)
The green cross marks the \( \langle k \rangle \) and \( \langle s \rangle \) RS empirical averages and the red diamods represent the \( 84 \) individual ego-networks. We have fitted the grand-canonical ensemble such that the expected \( k \) and \( s \) coincide with the empirical averages. The blue-shaded regions are the contour plot of the logarithmic density of states. Finally, the black lines delimit domain for the allowed configurations: \( s\geq k \) and \( s\leq 5k \).
[1] A null model for Dunbar’s circles. Manuel Jiménez-Martín, Ignacio Tamarit, Javier Rodríguez-Laguna, Elka Korutcheva, (pre-print) arXiv:1701.07428, (2017).
[2] Are You Your Friends’ Friend? Poor Perception of Friendship Ties Limits the Ability to Promote Behavioral Change. Almaatouq A, Radaelli L, Pentland A and Shmueli E. PLOS ONE 11(3), (2016).
[3] Fugao Wang and D. P. Landau (2001) Efficient, Multiple-Range Random Walk Algorithm to Calculate the Density of States. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2050, (2001).